Pengaruh penggunaan website maicih terhadap minat beli di SMA 1 bekasi kelas x dan xi (skripsi periklanan)
Rising internet users in Indonesia make the perpetrators businesses compete in using internet as marketing media, one way is to create a website as conducted by PT Maichi. The Website for the media marketing and media information must be qualified so that it can attract buying visitors through website. The purpose of this research is to know the website visitor feedback to buy products maichi interest in High School PGRI 1 Bekasi. In this study the author uses Stimulus Theory – Organizm Response (S-O-R) by Melvin DeFleur and Theory Individual Differences. This theory connecting between two variable used in this research, is variables exempt (Influence users website) and variables tied (Buying interest at SMA PGRI 1 Bekasi). A method of research that we use is eksplanasi that to test the relationship between two variables more. To find out if something caused or be affected or not by variable other.To claim sample of research with methodrniii
2013-41.Sk3.0023 | Tersedia |
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